Aerospace & Defense

In this category, you will find all of our case studies concerning the aerospace & defense industry. Check them out for valuable insights!

Insights from IDC: A Joint Case Study with SAPInsights from IDC: A Joint Case Study with SAP
Aerospace & Defense

Insights from IDC: A Joint Case Study with SAP

Explore the key investment areas for smart factories and discover crucial initiatives driving shop floor transformation.

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How Premium Aerotech Track and Trace Production Orders in Real TimeHow Premium Aerotech Track and Trace Production Orders in Real Time
Aerospace & Defense

How Premium Aerotech Track and Trace Production Orders in Real Time

Discover the success story of Premium Aerotech's real-time production order tracking and tracing, showcasing their innovative approach to enhancing operational visibility and efficiency.

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How MTU Aero Engines Monitors the Movements of Industrial Assets in Real-TimeHow MTU Aero Engines Monitors the Movements of Industrial Assets in Real-Time
Aerospace & Defense

How MTU Aero Engines Monitors the Movements of Industrial Assets in Real-Time

Learn more about the challenges of manual work and how MTU utilizes the KINEXON OS platform to monitor real-time movements of all its manufactured parts.

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